White Swiss Shepherd Speciality Show 2024

Welcome to the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Breed Speciality Show  on Saturday 7 September 2024 in Espoo!

Address: Marketanpuisto, Pehtorinkuja 3, 02940 Espoo
Judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen, Finland

Judging starts at 10 am.
The schedule is published on this page approximately a week before the show.

Minor puppies (5 months - under 7 months), puppies (over 7 months - under 9 months) and offspring classes are also judged at the show.

Additional competitions:

  • Classes for tourists* (BOB Tourist) and braces** (Best Brace) - see registration instructions below
  • BOB Tourist - Best Movement - Best Fur - Best Head
  • BOB and BOS working dog (service dog test 1st class result, pera, peha, päja approved result or IPOR test)***


REGISTRATION (not tourists)

The last day of registration is 21st of August 2024.
Registration for the exhibition is only online.

Online registration at Showlink → REGISTER FOR THE EXHIBITION

NOTE! Do not pay for the online registration in advance! Pay by online bank or credit card upon registration. Online registration will always be confirmed in your email. Contact nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com or phone +358 50 360 6671 if you do not receive a confirmation by the next day. Only registrations that have received a confirmation message can be taken to the exhibition!

The schedule letter and competition number will be delivered by e-mail.



May Day Special Price - valid only from 30th of April to 1st of May 2024

1st dog 30 €, 2nd etc. dog of the same owner 30 €
puppies and veterans €25

Registration by 31st of July 2024

1st dog 38 €, 2nd etc. dog of the same owner 35 €
puppies and veterans €30

Registration by 21st of August 2024

1st dog €45, same owner's 2nd etc dog €42
puppies and veterans €35

Showlink's electronic catalog is used at the exhibition.

When entering this dog show, the exhibitor complyes with the show rules of the Finnish Kennel Club and their supplementary instructions and vaccination regulations. These rules can be found on the Kennelliitto website (www.kennelliitto.fi).



The tourist class is for dogs that cannot participate in an official show due to, for example, a testicular defect, a kink in the tail, regular medication (e.g. for urinary incontinence or thyroid problems, not pain medication) or some other characteristic preventing participation in an official show.

The tourist dog receives a written evaluation and participates in the BOB Tourist competition. Quality grades are not awarded in tourist class.

Registration by email: nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com

Tourist class registration fees:

May Day Special price 30.4.-1.5.2024 - €20
By 21st of August 2024 - €25

Registration fees for the account: FI40 1427 3000 1062 91
Reference: 555 241

Attach: The dog's official name, registration number, date of birth, owner information, contact information, payment receipt for registration and reason for participating in the tourist class.



Male and female dog of the same owner, who have been registered in the official classes of the show (not puppy or tourist), can participate in the brace competition.

The pair of dogs receives a written review and participates in the Best Brace competition.

Registration by email: nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com

The registration fee for the brace competition is €10.

Registration fees for the account: FI40 1427 3000 1062 91
Reference: 555 241

Attach: The dogs' official names, registration numbers, owner information, contact information and payment receipt for registration.



Registration by email by 21 August 2024: nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com

Please check by email that you dog's working title is valid for participating to working dog competition. We accept national and international working titles. 

Inquiries regarding registrations:
Riina Laaksonen, tel. 050 360 6671, email: nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com
Other inquiries: Riina Laaksonen tel. 050 360 6671, email: nayttely.valkkari@gmail.com


Vaccination and anti-doping regulations approved and valid by the Finnish Kennel Club are observed at the show. You can find up-to-date information at www.kennelliitto.fi/en.



Organizer: Finnish White Swiss Shepherd Dog Association



After the end of the registration period, the dog cannot be transferred to another class (unless it is a mistake caused by the organizer).

A male who does not have normal testicles will be rejected.

Note! Getting a discount (2nd dog of the same owner, etc.) requires that the registration is done at the same registration time. The discount is only calculated for one-time full-price registration fees for the same show (not fees for puppies or veterans). The person marked as the first owner of the first dog in the registration event is interpreted as the same owner.